Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dear Creator, Why?

     Why did you ask this of my father? Why did you sentence us, his children and future descendants, to this? As you well know, I am currently one of six children out of the hundred you expect my family to pop out in as few generations as possible. My siblings and I are not even really people, never have been. Our names are numbers, French numbers to be exact. How did you expect this to work? How is it working?

       This is a fairly typical morning in our home. Dad's in the background, cooking breakfast and stocking the fridge with meals for the next few days. My brothers Cinq and Six are sitting at the table with my sister Trois, all doing their homework. Trois's twin Quatre is sitting beside me. We're also doing our homework. The man is Clayton, baby daddy number 6. Dad's going to let him feel our currently unborn younger sibling once before shooing him out. 
       At this point, we know the drill. We don't bother trying to befriend him. He'll be gone and never come back soon enough. Clayton hasn't yet realized this fact and seems determined to try and make friends.

      This is Un, my older brother. Ever since he became a teen, he's been helping Dad take care of all of us. He's often filthy, tired, and stressed, but he's often cheerful as well. I share a room with him. It's weird thinking of him as a him. Not that long ago, I knew him as Une, my older sister. I don't care. No one in the family does. Dad's a drag queen with some weird genetic defect that makes him able to become pregnant, and all of us kids cross dress for the fun of it.

      Un's the favorite sibling for all of us. He's always there. I have to thank you, Creator, for giving us the best older brother we could ever ask for.

     This is Dad. I'm not sure how he took care of all of us before Un aged up, but take care of us he did. He's a skilled programmer, but instead of going to work, Dad hacks and makes viruses for a living. It's not much, but we haven't starved yet. I guess that's your doing again, Creator. 

      Like I said, this is Un. No one's sure where his eyes came from because Dad swears up and down that Un's father did not have them. For the most part, Un takes after his father Jacques. He has two half-brothers and a half-sister on his father's side that we've never met and probably never will. Un's a cheerful dance-machine.

       Then there's me. I'm Deux. Like the rest of my siblings, I mainly take after Dad. My father was Brandon Wong, an alien in disguise. I'm not sure how I feel about not having a single alien trait, but I have enough confidence in myself that I don't let it bother me too much. This is how you made me, Creator. 

      Next are the twins, Trois and Quatre. Trois is the blonde. She's an old set of waterworks. One minute she's happy, the next she's gloomy. Quatre's the goofball of the family. Their father was a nurse that helped deliver Un and me named Deon. Like Jacques, Deon's dead now, but he lives on in these two idiots.

     After a long line of girls, Cinq was my father's first son. He's the genius, never to far from a book. Makes sense though, his father was a librarian named Randall. Cinq enjoys acting like a girl and doesn't seem to care if we slip up and call him "her". I bet he'll become a her when he ages up.

     Six is currently the baby of the house. He's the son of Marcus Flex, the leader of Powerhouse. Dad says that his eyes are most likely going to change color when he ages up which I think is good. The color looks a bit weird on him in my opinion. Don't make him mad either. He's the hot-headed kid and doesn't need much to bite your head off.

     Dad left for the hospital to have Sept, just like he did for all of us. Jase Louis has always been the doctor to deliver Dad's children. We haven't really met him, but Dad says that he's become a good friend of his through the years.

     Un was the first to welcome Sept home. Most of us were happy to have another younger sibling with the exceptions of Trois, who cried, Quatre, and Six, both of whom got real mad. Dad says Un was angry when I was born, but every time a new baby comes home Un seems happy about it, so I don't really believe him.

     Seven birth certificates have filled the wall that was set aside for them. Where would you have us put the new ones now, Creator?

     It's my birthday today. Dad made a strawberry cake, and the whole family celebrated. This was also the first time Dad hasn't gotten pregnant again after having a baby. Have you decided to give us a break, Creator?

     I've decided to just be a regular tomboy. I was a bit scared that Dad wouldn't approve despite what he said about it being our choice, but Dad just smiled and gave me a hug when I told him. 

     I may not understand your ways, Creator, and I may not approve of the path you have given my family. I trust you though to see us through all the hardships that stand in our way. I love my family, and I wouldn't change them for the world.